




ハマギクヤ カザスアタハズ ナミガシラ    


– Nippon daisy are blossoming
– on the sandy land near the shore
– i stop short at breaking it off
– it won’t get myself anywhere
– because i don’t have anyone special
– who comes forward to wear it
– in own hair with pleasure any day now
– with the exception of combs
– on the sea wave

はまぎくや かざすあたわず なみがしら  

photo by : 牛久聡心館 -san
photo from : くじゅう山歩会 5「浜菊


浜菊の咲くや遅々たる浦の秋 小杉余子   


September 03, 2015   

About 池ノ内 孝    Takashi (Kou) Ikenouchi
a haiku poet (俳名:秋村 [Shūson]), an actor, pure-Japanese, Tokyo Japan

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