Arai Yumi – Umi-wo Miteita Gogo (vo. Yamamoto Jyunko)

youtube: 海を見ていた午後 


some afternoon i saw the ocean – Arai Yumi 
[Umi wo Miteita Gogo : 海を見ていた午後 ]
rylics and musical composition : Arai Yumi (荒井由実)
singer :Yamamoto Jyunko (vo. 山本潤子)
each time i come this restaurant
i call memories about you and i
in my younger days 
i finished to go up the steep hill right now
maybe i should not have done it
though i am standing at the entrance again alone 
the name of the restaurant is “Dolphin”
the name of the restaurant is “Dolphin”
at Yamate Hill, Yokohama Bay-side
it has the silent presence 
all staffs are very considerate 
and perform formal waitering
and guests are engaging with seatmate 
in soft whispers 
during clear afternoon 
we could view Miura Peninsula from distance
a glass of club soda comes i have ordered 
now the frighter left the port 
moves past the sea of soda in the glass
the tiny bubbles are also diminishing fast
popping and rippling like my lovely sweet memories
i bit the inside of my cheeks then …
though if i could have a good cry
in front of on your eyes,
now, we, two of us, have watched the sea 
from here together
i can still see that you are watching 
the flying sea gull across the table clearly
flatten your cheek against the window glass
but it’s spaced out, i know
i drop him a line with my fountain pen
on the paper napkin, “please forget-me-not”
but i am hard pushed to write again and again
because the ink runs with tears 
and finally i do 
now i remember the memory of that day 
that was long long ago
sitting in my usual seat 
at a clear afternoon
looking at the sea
and ordered my usual menu
at this restaurant even now
today again
[translating by takashi ikenouchi]
あなたを思い出す この店に来るたび
坂を上って きょうもひとり来てしまった
山手のドルフィンは 静かなレストラン
晴れた午後には 遠く三浦岬も見える
ソーダ水の中を 貨物船がとおる
あのとき目の前で 思い切り泣けたら
今頃二人 ここで海を見ていたはず
窓にほほをよせて カモメを追いかける
そんなあなたが 今も見える テーブルごしに
紙ナプキンには インクがにじむから
忘れないでって やっと書いた遠いあの日

(August 31, 2018)

Fragile – Saya

youtube: Fragile – Saya 



(June 21, 2018)

‘Ishikari Banka’ [Ishikari Elegy] – Kitahara Mirei

youtube: 石狩挽歌 北原ミレイ 


‘Ishikari Elegy’ [石狩挽歌 Ishikari Banka 1975]
rylics:Nakanishi Rei 
musical composing:Hama Keisuke 
singer:Kitahara Mirei
suddenly, young seasonal fishing oncers
who wear thuggy-looking firefighter’s traditional red uniform
are yelling “Black-tailed gulls are
crying over the sea in the stentorian voice
Pacific herring will come and mob at the shore”
they clap up and bustle off around the shore
and move fast on the fishing preparations
in order to make the good catch and get interests
i run to the nook of snow-covered watch-house rapidly
and boil a lot of rice for them
as a cook-burglaress all through the night
though, now we have never catched
sight of Herrings nor yet see at all
we wonder where the fish went
nobody knows about it
the fishing nets have been no longer in use
have been ragged and crumbled
by the sea wind and the salt
moldy, mouldy
the merchant-passenger vessel, actually ’emigrant vessel’,
Kasato-Maru steams and keeps an offing
i disconsolately watch it
and the clouded sky that we called ‘Herring cloudy’
on the ocean horizon with tears
Burning up, beacons all night long !
at Asari shore, Otaru, Hokkai-Do
the ocean stains silver color
with Herring scales
i just drag the seine
that is the very good landing of Herring
to the tune of popular tune, So-Ran-Bushi
over again and again as one of seiners
throughout the cold icy night and day
with the touch of red in our cheeks
though, now we have never catched
sight of Herrings nor yet see at all
we wonder where the fish went
nobody knows about it
now, all the Herring millionaires’ mansions
upon Cape of Otamoi
have become desolate and fallen into decay
moldy, mouldy
it is only one that is still the same
just the way it was
yes, it is the ‘ancient script’ on the wall
that people say it was written by antiquity
and all i just have to do is dream
in my prime as a young woman
with tears in my eyes
[translating by takashi ikenouchi]
石狩挽歌 [1975]
作曲:浜 圭介
海猫が鳴くから 春告魚が来ると
赤い筒袖の やん衆が騒ぐ
雪に埋もれた 番屋の隅で
私ゃ 夜通し 飯を炊く
あれから春告魚は どこへ行ったやら
破れた網は 問い刺し網か
今じゃ浜辺で オンボロロ
オンボロ ボロロー
沖を通るは 笠戸丸
私ゃ 涙で 春告魚曇の空を見る

燃えろ篝火 朝里の浜に
海は銀色 春告魚の色よ
ソーラン節で 頬染めながら
私ゃ 大漁の 網を曳く
あれから春告魚は どこへ行ったやら
オタモイ岬の 鰊御殿も
今じゃ寂れて オンボロロ
オンボロ ボロロー
かわらぬものは 古代文字
私ゃ 涙で 娘盛りの夢を見る

(June 17, 2018)

Circus – Mr. Summertime ( 2018 ver.)

youtube: Circus – Mr. Summertime [1978] (2018 ver.) 


Mr. Summertime [1978] – Circus (2018 ver.)
 original name:’Une Belle Histoire’ [1972]
 original rylics : Pierre Delano
 original musical composition : Michel Fugain
Mister Summertime,
please abondon the search for the old me then
Mister Summertime,
i lost all on the past summer day
thereafter i have been in search
something that could compensate the lost
even now
on that summer day
the strong evil advance
lied in wait for me
i was swallowed the temptation
debauched shrewdly
and i forgot about you
in one night ecstasy of delight
how weak and spineless, young days
i betrayed you, your confidence
and your trust at that night
Ah …
Mister Summertime,
Please anesthetize me
from his disdainful glance
that i still remember vividly
Mister Summertime,
on that day i have to be crossed in my love
by the fool’s trick of my disordered imagination
though i still remember about my true-lover
to this day even now
yes, i thought that was a pecadillo
for a split second
between my soiritual void
yes, i looked back at a devil’s murmur
and i was possessed by the demonic disloyal thought
i knew i knew
it was hardly possible
you forgave me what i two-timed him
though, keep one thing perfectly clear even now
and please trust me
you are the only man who i love even now
Mister Summertime,
that was the phantasmal affair
on a far distant past summer day
Mister Summertime,
i lost all the happiness
from a meet by sheer bliss accident
in my idle and flighty curiosity
it kept me from noticing that
i had been in the irreplaceable love
with beloved sweetheart
honeyed word, passionate white sand
on the summer beach, the blue sky and the azur ocean
i two-timed and tore only one your heart out 
Mister Summertime,
please abondon the search
for the old me then
Mister Summertime,
that was the phantasmal affair
on a far distant past summer day
[translating by takashi ikenouchi]
‘Mr. サマータイム’ [1978]
 作詞:Pierre Delanoe
 作曲:Michel Fugain
 歌:サーカス (2018 ver.)
Mr. サマータイム さがさないで
Mr. サマータイム あの夏の日
つぐなえる 何かが欲しい
待ち伏せた 誘惑に
誘われて 思わず あなたを忘れたの
頼りなく 若い日々
ただひとつの愛に そむいてしまったの Uh…
Mr. サマータイム 忘れさせて
あのひとの まなざし
Mr. サマータイム 失くした恋
よみがえる せつない想い
しのびよる 囁きに
ふりむいた あの日の ひと時のあやまち 
許される 筈もない
愛した人は ただ ただあなただけなの Uh… 
Mr. サマータイム あれは遠い
夏の日の 幻
Mr. サマータイム 気まぐれから
何もかも 失くした私
かけがえのない 愛に
包まれていながら 気づかずにいたのね
誘惑の 熱い砂
ただひとつの愛に そむいてしまったの
Mr. サマータイム さがさないで
Mr. サマータイム あれは遠い
夏の日の 幻

(June 02, 2018)

Sachiko Yasui (p) – Recardo Bossa Nova

youtube: Recardo Bossa Nova –
Sachiko Yasui (p. 安井さち子) 


(June 01, 2018)

Sting – Shape of my heart (other ver.)

youtube: Sting Shaggy shape of my heart 2018 


Shape of my heart
rylics/musical compositions/singer: Sting
He deals a card as a meditation
And those he plays never suspect
He doesn’t play for the money he wins
He doesn’t play for the respect
He deals the cards to find the answer
The sacred geometry of chance
The hidden law of probable outcome
The numbers lead a dance 
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that the diamonds mean money for this art
But that’s not the shape of my heart
He may play the jack of diamonds
He may lay the queen of spades
He may conceal a king in his hand
While the memory of it fades
* repeat
that’s not the shape, shape of my heart

And if I told you that I loved you
You’d maybe think there’s something wrong
I’m not a man of too many faces
The mask I wear is one
Those who speak know nothing
And find out to their cost
Like those who curse
their luck in too many places
and those who smiles are lost
that’s not the shape, shape of my heart

俺の求めるもの 作詞/作曲/歌:スティング
あいつは (今のままではどうにもならないと踏むと)
面倒を起こしては、俺たち (神の民) を引きずり回すんだ
スペード (鍬) っていうのは兵隊の帯剣を表していて
クラブ (棍棒) は兵器やら火器のことで、
ダイアモンド (宝石) は戦争資金だってことぐらいな…
手のうちに最後の一手 (大量殺戮兵器)を
スペード (鍬) っていうのは兵隊の帯剣を表していて
クラブ (棍棒) は兵器やら火器のことで、
ダイアモンド (宝石) は戦争資金だってことぐらいな…
スペード (鍬) っていうのは兵隊の帯剣を表していて
クラブ (棍棒) は兵器やら火器のことで、
ダイアモンド (宝石) は戦争資金だってことぐらいな…
「ハート」なんだよ …
(意訳:池ノ内 孝 )

Trans (Kou) Late … too late ? 🙂

(May. 27, 2016)

〔ShiGin〕Fuji-San – Ishikaha Jyozan

Shi-Gin [詩吟:Chinese-style poem recitation in Japanese]
Fuji-San – Ishikaha Jyozan (富士山 – 石川丈山)
(minstrel: Yahagi Hosho [吟詠静凰流三代目宗家 矢萩鳳祥])


Fuji-San [Mount Fuji]
Poem : Ishikaha Jyozan [1583-1672]
people say Mountain-Hermits visit there
they enjoy the splendid landscape
and admire the beautiful scenery of Japan
at the top of Mount Fuji
The fine summit shoots through the clouds
and dominates nobly but delicately in the air
and everybody says there is a gaping abyss
that brims with dark and deep water
at where a dragon has made his habitat ab aeterno
the summit and it ridgeis blanketed by eternal snows
it looks like a beautiful snowy folding fan
sticking pure bright white silk on the surface
and its fume looks like the withe of the fan*
totally, Mount Fuji gives the appearance
that it turns a pure white fan upside down
and it is hung from the blue vault of heaven
on the Eastern Maritime Zone of Japan
* at thet time, Mount Fuji was active and fumed,
currently the mountain is dormant.
(translating by takashi ikenouchi)

作詞:石川丈山 [1583-1672]
仙客來遊 雲外嶺
神龍栖老 洞中淵
雪如紈素 煙如柄
白扇倒懸 東海天
仙客来り遊ぶ 雲外の巓
神龍栖み老ゆ 洞中の淵
雪は紈素*の如く 煙は柄の如し
白扇倒に懸かる 東海の天

*【紈素 (ぐゎんそ)】
〘名〙 白く美しい光沢のある練絹(ねりぎぬ)の意。

詩仙堂 HP

(23 May, 2018)


Misora Hibari – Kanashī Sake

youtube: 美空ひばり 悲しい酒

‘A Teary One’
Lyrics: Ishimoto Miyuki
Music composition: Koga Masao
Singer: Misora Hibari
i drink tipples at the bar
all alone tonight again
the amber liquid in every glass
savors of the teary pain taste
of parting with ex-lover
i want to forget the pain of the separation
and his images when we were happy
by drinking every shot … oh, Jesus …
the more drinking,
the more conjuring up the image of him
passing in review on the surface of the glass
we have already broken up
and have splitted up …
though i still have regrets about him
and the separation
ah, i don’t know when to give up still now
i drink this liquor in order to forget him
though the shots in my arm makes me desolate
every night, yes, you know, also tonight …
now, i ask you, Little Demon in my glass
let me know … put me out of my misery …
how could i forget about him?
how could i …
i love all alone
i love to keep myself company
please leave me drink
yes, i said to you, master, i said …
with that said, i am talking tough,
yes, i try to hide my weakness
please do not you say ‘Don’t try to act tough’
exactly, i ached heart behind my tough face
yes, i am playing tough but crying inside
i just weep inside and scream within my mind
about ‘why in this world does it not make the progress
that i seek and find the love i want
what is even worse, the roof falls in
i hold the grudge against my sad fate
with crying drunk as the evening goes on
(translating by takashi ikenouchi)

ひとり酒場で 飲む酒は
別れ涙の 味がする
飲んで棄てたい 面影が
飲めばグラスに また浮かぶ
別れた後の心残りよ 未練なのね
あの人の面影を 寂しさを
忘れるために 飲んでいるのに
酒は今夜も 私を悲しくさせる
酒よ どうして 
どうして あの人を諦めたらいいの 
ひとりぼっちが 好きだよと
言った心の 裏で泣く
好きで添えない 人の世を
泣いて恨んで 夜が更ける

(18 May, 2018)


Nakajyo Kiyoshi – Uso

youtube: 中条きよし うそ

‘You, Liar, are always flattering ladies … ‘
[Uso (うそ/嘘: release 1973) ]
Lyrics: Yamaguchi Yoko
music composition: Hirao Masaaki
singer : Nakajyo Kiyoshi [中条きよし]
i know you lie yourself out of lie on me
because all your stubs are snapped
at the middle of cigars
there is someone else, isn’t there?
you love someone else, don’t you?
ah, for the past a half year,
we have loved each other
you said to me
“your apron, sure, look good on you !
i am attracted to your home-oriented disposition
yes, don’t dye your nails, that’s very your style.”
you are a brazen liar who tells ‘out of lover’
lachrymose lies which have her in tears afterward
there are some bad habits, you left
one is the ‘calling some one on the phone
at the dead of night’
what the nerve !
one is the ‘unlock door and sleeping”
what a dangerous !
ah, you have not intention of making a commitment
with me at all
ah, what are you going to prepare my wedding dress?
you say
“i love Kimono wedding, it is also good on you !”
then you kiss me violently
you are a cool liar who tells ‘out of lover’ lachrymose lies
“ah, you, go easy on the drinks, all right?
you need a man who stops you from drinking too much. ”
“ah, be careful on the cab you back”
“you are no longer some single individual, all right? ”
you are a nice soft-centered liar who tells ‘out of lover’
touching lies that the lady is going to be moved to tears afterward
(translating by takashi ikenouchi)

(17 May, 2018)


My top 10 favorite waltz

My top 10 favorite waltz — and I agree!



1.Dmitri Shostakovich – Waltz No 2 – 0:0
2.Johann Strauss II – Voices of Spring Waltz-3:41
3.Johann Strauss II The Blue Danube -9:14
4.My Sweet and Tender Beast – Waltz by Eugen Doga-18:54
5.Eugen Doga Gramafon -22:24
6.Nino Rota – Waltz (BSO -El Padrino-) -27:22
7.Tchaikovsky – Waltz of the Flowers 31:05
8.Johann Strauss II – Vienna Blood Waltz 38:35
9.Frederic Chopin waltz op.64 no 2 -45:42
10.Frederic Chopin: Waltz in A minor (Op. Posth.)- 50:10

(May 14, 2017)